
Food4all festival: Local Food Roots

Food4All is a yearly film festival that aims to highlight the problems of our broken food system, while at the same time celebrating hopeful and inspiring alternatives. The programme features a selection of thought-provoking documentaries, followed by interactive discussions and Q&A’s with experts.

Organised by Organised by FIAN, ILEIA, Otherwise, RUW and Boerengroep in cooperation with Movie W

Wed 23 November 2016 20:00 to 22:00

Venue MovieW, Wilhelminaweg 3A, Wageningen

This British documentary is an inspirational immersion in local food culture, with stories that cover the urban, rural, large and small scales. Local Food Roots shows examples of farmers selling directly to the public, local food distribution, community food growing and cooking, local food supply to the public sector, communities supporting local farmers and how local food culture fits in with the challenge of feeding cities.

The film will be followed by a panel debate on local food systems. Speakers to be announced.

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