
Gender Talking Circle

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Tue 16 March 2021

Do you feel the need for a safe space to talk about gender, about your personal experiences and hear those of others? Would you like to express experiences regarding gender with some new people and fresh faces? Join our Gender Talking Circle on Tuesday, March 16!

Everybody has their own personal experiences of gender and/or are trying to figure out what this means to them. XR Wageningen, SHOUT, ARA Wageningen, Thuis and OtherWise are collaborating in organising this talking circle. We feel there is a need to create a space to explore such matters by sharing personal experiences and learning from others. A talking circle is a way of speaking freely about anything that you want to share without any discussion or judgement. There is nothing to prove or the need convince anyone; just be who you are and share.

Registration form:https://forms.gle/w1Zkq1icGh2DTWzW8