
Inner Sustainability and Health

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Tue 13 April 2021 19:30 to 21:00

Zoom link to the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83801595782

Inner Sustainability is the ‘inside’ of sustainability and focusses on the idea that we are intricately connected to all life. However, when the awareness of this interconnectedness and this embodied sense is not experienced, it can give feelings of isolation, disconnectedness and a loss of respect for all lives on earth, including the natural environment.

Of course, there are many aspects of this ‘inside’. We may also experience feelings of disconnectedness towards our own health. Could it be possible that if we don't feel a deep connection to our own minds and bodies, we are less prone to understand our own health? Let alone, be aware of the signs of illnesses and act upon it? And can we "fix" health problems sustainably, if this connection with our bodies and minds remains fragile?

On Tuesday evening, the 13th of April, we will organize an event to explore a more holistic connection to our bodies. We will discuss the relation between inner sustainability and our health with Hilde de Smet, a doctor and natural therapist from Belgium. Besides her academic education, she studied complementary therapies and used several of them in her practice, such as herbal medicines and traditional therapies. Since 2019 she is giving seminars about health. Check out one of her blogposts here (in Dutch), where she writes about the importance of strengthening the immune system:  https://nl.linkedin.com/.../waarom-leren-we-onze-mensen...

We will ask Hilde questions to get to know more about her view on this matter and explore more sustainable ways of treatment for our health than dominant western medicine, such as:
- What did you learn from studying a variety of natural therapies, in addition to your scientific education?
- What could be reasons that people are sceptic towards traditional, nature-based medicine? On the other hand, what could be reasons that people don’t put their trust in western medicine, but look for alternatives?
- Could it be that there is a connection between a decreased relationship with nature and a decreased relationship with our own health?

Of course, there is room for you to too ta ask your questions! Join us for this interesting evening and stay updated through this event page! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.