
Ecovillage Excursions: Vereniging Aardehuis Olst

Inspired by many questions and driven by an urge to contribute to a better world, we aim to organize a series of events around the theme of ‘eco-communities’. We deliberately use this term instead of ecovillages, because we believe this is a broader term which includes, rather than excludes, many different approaches and interpretations. During these events we want to explore the world of eco-communities. The aim is to find out more about the potential of such communities to experiment with social innovations and resilience practices.

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Sat 22 April 2017

Register here!

On April 22nd we will visit Vereniging Aardehuis Olst. At this excursion we want to find out how they set up their neighbourhood and why they made the choices they did. We will learn more about what it is like to live in an Earthship and how this helps the community to live more sustainably.

Vereniging Aardehuis Olst is an intriguing place because they are amongst the first to manage to come together and to plan and to construct a neighbourhood of its kind in the Netherlands. There are not so many Earthships in the Netherlands, this is the biggest neighbourhood there is in this country.

So the excursion will start at 13:00 at Vereniging Aardehuis Olst.

The address of Vereniging Aardehuis Olst is ´Rietgors 2, Olst´.

For anyone that wants to travel together, we will leave from the Ede-Wageningen station at 11:45. It's a 10 minute walk from the trainstation in Olst and its really simple as you can see below.