
Ecovillage Excursion: EcoTribe Teuge

Inspired by many questions and driven by an urge to contribute to a better world, we aim to organize a series of events around the theme of ‘eco-communities’. We deliberately use this term instead of ecovillages, because we believe this is a broader term which includes, rather than excludes, many different approaches and interpretations. During these events we want to explore the world of eco-communities. The aim is to find out more about the potential of such communities to experiment with social innovations and resilience practices.

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Sat 1 April 2017

On this day we have organized a trip to EcoTribe Teuge. EcoTribe Teuge is an ecovillage that has been built in a relatively rural space in a former military base.

Due to its history, its development and its cultural connections it is a very good place to visit to see how an ecocommunity might look when it embraces values of independence and interdependence to a great degree!